miércoles, 21 de octubre de 2009

El pisito

Buscando donde salir en esta ciudad fea he encontrado que me voy a vivir justo al mismo edificio del Cafe Nathan...

Although the scene in Geneva is relatively small, there are several places to have a fun night and get to know the locals. The most popular bar is Bar Nathan (6 Rue Baudit), which is open every evening until 2.00 am – this is the busiest and trendiest of the bars most evenings, although gay life is busier at weekends in Geneva. Le Concorde (3 Rue de Berne) has a more mature clientele, with a more traditional ‘pub’ feel to it. Other bars include Lolipop (10 Rue Goetz-Monin), Bar le Tube (3 Rue de l’Universite) and the local (and only) ‘gay disco’ is Pretexte (9 Rue du Prince), which only gets busy at weekends.

L’Evidence (Rue du Grottes) is a gay friendly restaurant, which has a French menu, fantastic food, but is quite expensive. Another, more reasonably priced place to eat is Café Gallay (Bd Saint-Georges), which has a young arty feel to it and great atmosphere.

For the best updates on local gay life, pick up a copy of 360 degrees magazine, a local gay monthly publication. Another useful source of information is Swiss Gay

3 comentarios:

  1. Tenemos que ir a esos bares!!! Y tenemos que ir al que se llama lolipop, que seguro que nos resulta familiar...jeje

  2. seguro que venden bolsos!!! o con cada 5 cerves tamaño familiar te regalan un vale descuento para lolipoo paris....
    tengo ganitas de qe vengais y salir a desmadrasnos un poco (sin Geoffroy)
